How to build a size chart
Measured automatically packages all the measurements you’ve built through annotations into a size chart. However, you can also build a size chart without annotating anything.

Simply navigate to the product you want to build a size chart for by clicking the ‘Annotate new product’ button, and select a product.

Scroll down to the Measurements section.

In the top right corner of this section, click on ‘Add measurement’. By default, this measurement will not be linked to any annotations on your images.
Uncheck any options, such as ‘Color’, that do not affect sizing.
If your measurement does not change across variants, enter it on the Global row.
Otherwise, enter the length of the measurement for each product variant, one per row.
You can preview your product by clicking on the ‘Preview Design’ button at the bottom of your screen. Click here to learn more.

Remember to save your changes before you leave the page!

NOTE : In the case that more than one option affects sizing, the ‘top-level' option dropdown controls which option will be displayed on your size chart by default. The other options will be available for selection for your customers through a drop down menu.

See here for more on 'top-level' options.